Saturday, April 16, 2005

A new day, a new blog, and an old life

I decided to get a new blog. I don't know if I'll give anyone this address or not. My other blog is completely confidential, but who knows what I'll write in here. So if you are reading this feel special because you are privaliged. But I would like to warn anyone who reads this that I am an emotional train wreck.

Grrrr.... The Terry Shaivo lady died awhile ago. I think what they did so was wrong and inhumane. I mean, what's next, are we going to start starving people that can't talk because they can't talk. I'm not really sure what I think about euthanasia, but I know that this way of killing this lady was sick and wrong. Her husband was the stupid looser that wanted her dead. He parents were willing to keep her and take care of her. She was healthy, but she had brain damage. So are we going to start starving every person that is mentally challenged now? I have this friend, Joe M. He's one of the coolest guys I know, and you know what, he's in a wheel chair, and he can't really say much. (I think his vocabulary consist of 20 foggy words). He has control over one hand, but the other one does what it wants. He drools and can't do much for himself, but you know what, he's awesome, and I wouldn't have him any other way. His laugh is so awesome, and he is just genuinely a cool guy. Are we going to start killing people like this because he can't walk on his own or talk or because he drools? I babysit a 16 year old who is autistic and has the mental capacity of about an 8 1/2 year old. I'm sure if she could, she would be "normal", but she can't and she never will be. So are we going to kill people like this because they're not by our standards "normal"? No, we wouldn't think about it. So why do we kill other people that can't do things on their own? It just makes me sick.


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