Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This describes a passion of mine

Confused I sit here wondering why
My future would call me to ever know pi.
There’s too many numbers and to many names,
I wish I could end these silly games!
No offense, Mr. Heinemann, for your teaching is great,
It’s not your class, it’s math I hate!
I wish I could pass the time really quick,
To me this is as annoying as a tick.
The teacher’s explained it one hundred times,
But all I hear is mumbling chimes.
Wondering when I’ll be free from this madness
I think I’ll end this class in sadness.
The numbers run to different places,
Each time putting on new faces.
A squared plus b squared what does this mean?
Putting numbers with letters is simply obscene!
The class seems to get it, but it’s way over my head,
And how I’ve made it this far still remains to be said.
Disgust overwhelms me every first hour,
Thinking someone created this just for power.
Confusion and disgust are my emotions.
I’m confused still wondering what is a quotient,
Disgusted about being on problem two
When the rest of the class is almost through!
I just don’t get it, it’s much too tough,
Who knows, maybe someday I’ll get this stuff.
~Kathryn Wickman~


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