Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Places where God isn't reached

Loud bangs rang throughout the city, shaking buildings waking up sleeping people. Screams could be heard in every direction of women being cleaved from their husbands. Men were holding in tears trying to be brave while watching their children scramble around desperately screaming for their parents. Angry-looking men with big, heavy guns were shoving people into carts, train, busses, and boats, not really caring about putting families together- families not knowing if they would ever see their husbands, wives, sons, or daughters again. All of these people had one thing in common- Christianity. Some people were Christians, others hated the Christians. Others were simply children or relatives of Christians. But they were all there because of one thing, and that was Christianity.
No one quit knew why anymore, but for some reason, several years ago, it was decided that in all the land there would be no religion other than that of communism. Children under age eighteen were not even allowed to learn of any type of religion, even communist religions until that age. Otherwise it would be a criminal offence. People that chose to break this rule chose prison or even death. Parents who chose to teach their children religion were tortured, punished, and their kids would be killed without any report of violence.
People were crowded into carts so tightly that some passed out from sever claustrophobia. People got sick all over each other because there was no room to move. Everyone stood shoulder-to-shoulder and stomach-to-back breathing down each other’s necks. Comfort was not an option. No one moved, and no one said a word. Not even the little children who had been desperately screaming for their parents made a sound. They were frightened, no terrified, of what was to come next. Beatings? Torture? Death? Would they ever see their families again? Where were they going? What was happening?
This is a true story, not just for one person, but several people. Things like this happen every single day in places like China, Albania, and other places where the gospel of Jesus Christ is not allowed. Pray for the Christians, pray for the people in charge. One-by-one things like this can change.


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