Saturday, June 10, 2006

So, for all of you inquiring minds, I'm pretty sure I got the job at Barns and Noble. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm kinda sure. The head manager/interviewer said she's call Monday to tell me when I'd be working and stuff. The problem we had was that there really is no job to give anymore.When I had my first interview there was a job available, but then there's this transfer from a BandN in Virginia who is taking the job, but when I had my 2nd interview, the lady said that she wanted to hire me even if it was for like 5 hours at first. The other option she gave was not starting at all until I get back from Mexico. This option is good because then I get to go to Mexico both weeks! yay for Mexico!
Anyway, there you have it...
So yeah, school's out!!!! Guess who got a 100% on her Algebra exam....... if you guessed Kathryn, you get a cookie! I got all A's on my exams! Yahooooooooo!!!!


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