Thursday, June 01, 2006

So, life had been interesting lately with such an array of emotions that I can't begin to explain or understand. I thank my Yale friends for being so awesome, and I thank God for blessing me with friends that are going to stick around and not like me for my brother. This happens sometimes....
what has happened as of late? Well, I'm horribly sick and tired of McDonald's! There's so much drama about who's sleeping with who and who cheated on who on our team. And we're talking like ages 16-22. The other day I was one of two people who came in that wasn't either hung over or intoxicated! Again, 16-22. Our manager is the 22. Everyone else is in high scool. The truth is, I think I'm being poorly influenced at McDonald's. I am being negatively influenced more than I care to admit and positively influencing others much less than I should be. Not only is there all that drama, but I'm just tired of the job. I'm afraid that I'm going to be one of those people who can't put up with things or hold down a job just because I'm tired of it. There are a few things that I'll miss, though. I have two casual friends there that are awesome and that I don't want to leave, and there are others who are cool dispite the many problems they have. And then there's always the free food. And they do usually work around my schedule. I don't know.....
I have an interview with Barns and Noble tomorrow at 4:00, so hopefully I'll be able to make a good desicion. They pay more, but will they let me go t Mexico and work around my sometimes hectic schedule? If they say no to Mexico then I will say no to them. As much as I want the job, I want Mexico more.
Anyway, right now life is Ok. I'm happy. I'm am however, horribly fed-up with a few of my rediculous teachers and their classes. I'm thinking about talking to Miss Shimmel (the principle). I never do stuff like that, so you must know that it's really that bad.
School's out for the year on June 9th and then I have a party with Jill! I have to freaking work from 4-12:30 on Saturday. There goes my much needed sleep! I've had about 12 hours the past 3 days, which for me, is nothing.
Ben is leaving Saturday too. I'm going to miss him, but I'm getting good atr this saying goodbye to him thing.
Enough for now..


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