Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I belive God is a God that work in milliseconds. This car accident would have been fatal if were were a split second later or earlier. We would be dead. And I would not be in Heaven. It makes me sad to think about. But we are ok, praise God! I can't imagine life without either one of my siblings. I hope they feel the same about me. It makes me wonder why I was spared. I orignally thought it was because I wasn't a Christian, but that's diffrent now. Does that mean that my purpose if fulfilled?
Please pray for me. The thing I worte about a few posts ago is still a big issue! Please pray!

Life. It is. To live. To do. It's here. But one day it won't be. And then what? Life everlasting. Continuing. Forever. It will be. It is. How do you know? Tomorrow? Never? No, it is. It will be. It has to be.


Blogger Mike Gunn said...

wow, that brings back memories for me. near death experiances are always eye openers. they help us to realize how fragile life really is. your purpose fulfilled? not a chance. if you had fulfilled your purpose then why are you still here? the fact that you are alive is a sign that you still have a purpose in life.

3:51 PM  

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