Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm bAAAAck!

Well, I accomplished my goal for the year. That was to not get sick while in or on my way to or from Mexico. This is my first out of 4 trips where I have not gotten sick. I am exited!
However, that didnt put me out of the loop. I sit here today and type this one-handedly because of the big fat cast that has surrounded my arm. Why? Because I broke my wrist. I'm fairly certain that this is God's way of telling me to stop being so stubborn and ask for help sometimes. This is a big deal for me because I don't like admitting my weakness and asking for help all of the time. With this cast on my arm I have to have help with everything from making food to showering to putting on my bra because I can't grip anything with my right hand. Even things such as wiping my butt and typing pose quite a challenge. Yesterday when we thought is was just sprained I would take the brace off when I needed to do things (mostly things that I shouldn't have been doing because they hurt the the dickons!) or just when I got sick of it. This is attached to me and there's no going back. I'm learning my lesson and I hope I never have to learn it again! But this trip was a great way of showing me things about myself that I never saw before. I will write more about all of that later. I'm getting sick of this one-handed typing thing.
Just know this... It was AWESOME!


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