Sunday, February 25, 2007

I am depressed. Very depressed. I cried the entire way to work today when I found out I can't go to Mexico. Harry Potter is coming out and the boss said no one is allowed to take time off in July. I had been hoping this whole time that I could at least go for a week, but they're leaving on June 28. Mexico is litterally the single most important part of my year. I am in love with every moment I am there. I change when I am there. July 1, 2004 on a hill in Mexico, I surrendered my life to God and it will always hold a special spot in my heart. I've been praying my butt off to find some way, anyway to be able to go. I know it's not important to anyone else if I go or not because I'm not a valuable part of the team or anything, but if you are reading this, just life up a prayer because I care if I'm there.
Dang, I sound whiny, but of you've been to Mexico, you might know how I feel.
(Picture credited to Craig M. Coon)


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