Saturday, October 21, 2006

Well, unfortunately, I have nothing of any interest to report to you right now. I have been up to nothing but working at Barnes and Noble (which by the way am working over the legal limmitt while I am in school), the occasional vandalism (of houses, cars, decks, and yards--- don't worry, my first rule of vandalism is that it can't ruin/destroy/hurt in any way the object of vandalism), school, lots of physical theripy/nazi death camp, and TRYING very hard to find time to do homework and most importantly sleep. While there are some who might get down on me for skipping things such as youth group, I say that I need the time to do homework and sleep. The thing about youth group is that I went last week for a little bit and talked to no one exept for the people who bothered me about never coming. Now I ask why I would give up my time to regain energy to go to a place and wander around with no one to talk to. Now, if you are reading this and feel differently, please feel free to tell me why I am a pagan for skipping Wednesday night youth group. And yes, pagan is one of the many names I have been called by people who find it nessissary. So now you've heard my little speech. This doesn't mean I am against going to youth group or anything, I'm just taking the time off that I need to rest from the week because it is my only day off.
Ok, well, I hope everyone is having a great week.
Funny story for next time....


Blogger everyone's favorite pixie said...

I wanna hear the funny story!!!

11:51 AM  

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