Monday, June 18, 2007

I think one might call this a job update

Dad had a 4th interview (2 of them were phone interviews) with Target yesterday. This time he met with the head honcho who also gave him a tour of the Twin Cities. They seemed to like him (according to my dad) and said that they would let him know in the next couple of days. But I am unclear as to weather that means they'll let him know if he's still in the running or let him know if he got the job. I am hoping that he does get the job there. Minneapolis sounds like a great city to live in. It's clean, safe, big, and beautiful (so I hear... I've never been there).
Another opportunity for a job would be for some food safety company near Santa Cruz, California, which I also hear is a gorgeous place. My dad had kind of put this job on the back burner when this whole Target thing came up, but when the Cali people found out he was looking elsewhere for employment, they started pursuing him aggressively pursuing him. He's soon being flown to California to meet with the people from this company and interview with them in person (he's had a few interviews over the phone).
So this brings up the question of relocating. Anyone have an extra bedroom for a 17 year old girl?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathryn, you are way more than welcome to come live with me!
:-) -Kristi Joy

6:37 PM  

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