Wednesday, January 09, 2008

RIP Drew LeRoy

The past few months have been both difficult and surprisingly happy at the same time. Thanksgiving was hard (read below to see why), Christmas was as usual the most wonderful time of the year,and New Years Eve was not so fun. I attended the crappiest party ever and had to call my brother to beg him to pick me up. I miss my driver's license dearly, but I get it back in 107 days and it will be a party! I will be turning 18 in a month and want to have a big party! I finally got my parents to accept that I want to go to SVSU, and one of my best friends, Mallory, would like to room with me. As long as she gets accepted, that's the plan. I got to spend some quality time with Julie and Rena on Saturday which was just what the doctor ordered! J-term started, and I'm loving it! Today we watched Star Wars and John Q in the Hollywood class, and I got the part of the March Hare (I didn't know what it was either) in the musical. Mexico is in 5 weeks, so I couldn't be more exited!
So that was just a rundown of what has been going down. I am enjoying everything and loving life. God has sure been faithful to me this season, and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the year!

A friend of the family was killed on Thanksgiving Day in a drunk driving accident. A twenty-one year old man was killed because some idiot was too wasted to drive on the correct side of the road. It's something that you read about in the paper, but it doesn't seem real until it happens to someone you know. It's like reading about the wars in other countries, but it just didn't seem important until the U.S. was attacted on our own soil. I hate that things like this are happening every single day. What starts out as a night out on the town ends in devestation because someone drinks himself to the point of not knowing when to just call a cab. You think it won't happen to you when you go out and get so inibriated, but you don't know what will happen because you get too impared to make that judgement. It kills me to know that so many of my friends are in this sichuation, and I am scared to death that something is going to happen to you! So just don't do it! Nothing tastes that good.


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