Friday, February 01, 2008

There's a lot going on in my mind right now. So many decision to make. So much responsibility. Sometimes it's not easy to remember God. Does anyone have any tips on this? Seriously.
Right now the biggest decision I have to make is college. It's between SVSU and GVSU. I had made up my mind to go to SVSU, but then I felt a big unrest about it. So then I was leaning to GVSU. Yesterday I went on a visit to SV with my parents and Mallory. I really like it. But I really like GV too. I know I'd be happy at either college. The biggest problem is my need to please people.I just know that wherever I decide to go, someone is going to be disappointed in me. My parents and sibs want me to go to GV. One of my best friends Mallory wants me to room with her at SV. No matter what I'm letting someone down. And that is one of my biggest fears. I've been doing a lot of praying lately and I'm trying to choose a colleged based on where God wants me, not where anyone else wants me. Anyone got any advice? This would be greatly appreciated.
Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my snow day! Woohoo!!! I guess there are perks to living in Michigan!


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