Thursday, May 19, 2005

Warfare at school

There was a letter in the prayer request box from a person at school. It wasn't a prayer request, it was a hate note basically. She said that there is no hell, and Christian's are stupid to believe that s***. The person ended the note with, "When you are ready to come to your senses, Satan will always be there for you." The thing is, I know who this person is! She told me a few months ago that she is not a Christian. Everything she said was pretty much me last year, so I should know what to say, right? No! I have no idea what to say to her, or even if I should say anything. I think the best thing is to just be there for her. The thing is, I think she does believe in God and Hell, and as much as I hate to say it, I think it is an attention thing. I love her to death, but the whole situation is just weird. Josh said that there is a person at school who imed him and said that they watch him all the time, and they know everything he does, and he said he talked to this person for a long time and they just kept trashing him and threatening him. At group today we were talking about spititual warfare because all of us could feel it. It was scarey, but I was ok this time because I knew God was there. We prayed so hard for the spiriual war going on at school. We are scared!


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