Monday, May 16, 2005

Things to be thankful for

It's amazing how old habbits come back suddenly when times get tough...

Ok, so in light of everything that's been going on, I'm going to make a list of what I'm thankful for....

1.) A loving family
2.) a great town/city/state/country
3.) a warm house (in Michigan as of now)
4.) a job (I'm not always thankful for that one, but hey)
5.) a Chriatian education
6.) great friends!
7.) an awesome God that loves me
8.) God that died to me!!
9.) Cornerstone
10.) a Healthy body


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

well Kathryn,
you are listening when i speak! how cool!
i am thankful for your honest blogs!


1:01 AM  

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