Tuesday, May 17, 2005

missed opportunity!

I told Shane at work that I go to New Life Christian Academy today. He asked me what we learn there, and Alan was like "duh, school stuff!" Then Shane looked really confused and was like, "do you talk about God?" And I'm like "yes we do." And he's like "a lot?" and I'm like, "not like all the time, but enough." Then he asked me if we learn about evolution. I said that we learn about evolution, but we learn that it not right. Then he asked if we were aloud to form our own beliefs. I told him that some people don't believe creation, but I do. I said that I believe in God, and I believe that God created human beings. I said it's hard for me to believe that humans evolved from rocks or monkeys. He told me that humans came from bacteria. Then he threw all of these things at me, and I couldn't answer him! Then Alan told him to shut the "heck" up, and we all went to work. I didn't know what to say! I told him I wanted to talk to him more. I felt bad because I've been raised to believe creation, but I can't really defend it. I don't know what to do if I ever am faced with this again (which I hope to be- after I'm ready) Maybe taking biology Jr. year will help. Wow! I just read that and none of it makes sense! Oh, well, I understand it, and that's what matters.


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

it's not a missed opportunity, you still work with the guy. Maybe you should see it as an "opening door" toward a longer conversation. you don't need to have the answer for everything and you can be honest about that. For me, i think that life is way too complex for it to have formed from nothing all on it's own. Where did the bacteria come from? and bacteria is a very complex form of life, why is it "living"?
it's a good thing that you can talk to him.

4:52 PM  

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