Sunday, May 08, 2005

Guys... ugh!

I'm so sick of guys! Ok, not everyone can be a 100 lb supermodle! Nobody even bothers to get to know you if you're 6 feet tall and 1billion lbs with poofy hair. I get frustrated when girls spend 50 years in the bathroom putting every hair in place because some girls are lucky and can look beautiful, and those are the girls that have perfect clothing and stuff. Nodybody cares what there personality is (not that I have that either). I'm so sick of Jake that keeps telling me that I'm not pretty so he'll never like me. I'm sick of Catherine who keeps telling me that I'll never get a boyfriend because I'm so fat. Why does it stinking matter what somebody looks like? My sister and I decided that we are too poor to be fashionable, but she is beautiful and has a boyfriend. I'm not looking for a boyfriend now or anything because I'm only 15, and most likely I'm not going to find the guy I'm going to marry just yet. Jill dated this guy for 1 1/2 years, but he cheeted on her several times during this time. She is convinced that he really cared for her and not these other girls, but she wouldn't have sex with him, so he slept with other girls. Now she wants to go back out with him after all of that because "he's changed". She sounds like an abused wife! Why can't guys be locked in a closet until we're mature enough to get married? I just wish that 50% of guys minds weren't focased on only sex. When I was in 6th grade, Mr. A. came up to me and told me that one day I will find a man who loves me ans thinks I'm totaly hot (which was really out of the blue and weird to hear from a 60 year old man). I'm sick of being the ugly one of 3 siblings and the beast in my class. The thing is, I can't loose weight because of the lexapro, so Dr. S. said that he's going to put me on a weight loss pill. I'm not too thrilled about going on a pill for that, but hey, whatever works. Even still, I'm never going to be what the guys are looking for. Maybe I should spend more time caring about how I look. After a while, I just learned to look in the miror, say "ew", and know there is nothing I can do to change the way I look. I know I'm supposed to be content with what God gave me, it's hard when guys only like the supermodles. And on that note, why does it matter what others think of me anyway? Maybe because ever living, breathing human being wants to be accepted and look nice.
God, help to to rely on you and not care about what others think of how I look. You gave me this body for a reason,
I didn't right this post for people to compliment me, but just to vent I guess, and hey, I'm allowed to do what ever I want on this thing, right?


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

Kathryn you said "some girls are lucky and can look beautiful"

I agree that some girls look beautiful on the outside but many of these same girls are totally ugly on the inside, there soul is so dark. Most females that I know struggle with some aspect of the way that they look. Even supermodels and movie stars get face lifts and implants, why? becuase they consider some part of themselves ugly!

So what is beauty anyway? AND more importantly what is beauty to the one who created us.

The way in which you measure yourself makes all of the difference.

Through the worlds eyes it's all about the outside, in the Creators eyes it's about the inside of the life that is what matters. Choose the inside, it last longer, gets better with age and never needs a face lift! And it's the truth!
You are beautiful just the way God made you to be!

12:59 AM  
Blogger **Kathryn Joy** said...

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10:54 PM  
Blogger **Kathryn Joy** said...

Hey Craig M Coon (what in the heck does the "m" stand for anyway?!)
Your comment was "profound" and you sould be proud of it as you said earlier. Yes, I didn read it. Thanks!

thank you both for commenting

11:04 PM  
Blogger C.M. Coon said...


12:59 AM  

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