Thursday, August 03, 2006

mexico stuff

Ok, so it's time to talk about Mexico!
Here's my warning, though. I didn't journal about our trip at all, so this is it. I'm going to get very detailed, so put up with it. Also, some of the days might not be accurate. I guess that's what I get for not journaling during the trip.

It was amazing! I think we got accomplished everything that we wanted to, but I could be wrong.
The first week we built a house with 11 people. The nine of us that came with our church and our two CpC interns. I'm not going to lie, I was worried we couldn't do it, but, by George, we did it! And we did it well too! The building began Monday and consisted of leveling the ground, building the frame, cutting chicken wire, cutting wood, building u-joints and corners, I think working on the walls, and I'm sure a ton more that I just don't know about. It was hot. It was frustrating. It was hard work. To be perfectly honest, I spent Monday thinking that I just couldn't do it and wanted to go home. But I got through it. Every nail God helped me through. And looking back, it wasn't so bad. I think the heat brings the worst of of people. Our interns Coty and Brandon were really encouraging to me even when I screwed up, so that was helpful.

Tuesday consisted of building walls and roof sections. Coty had the brillient idea to make a compotition to make us work fast. Of course we didn't get the ice cream we were promised and I will always hhold that against CpC. I might not even go next year because I'm so upset. Not really! I'm just kidding! anyway, Tuesday we g0t the black celotex up, some electricity, the walls, the roof (I think), and a row of chicken wire (my favorite).
I think I spent my entire Wednesday doing chicken wire. I soloed on a lot of it. My fingers were RAW by the time I finished, but I guess I was pretty good at it (one of the VERY limitted things I was good at). It wasn't so bad. The biggest problem with this was the limitted space in some parts (but not as bad as the week two house).
Well, I have not finnished week one yet, but my writ hurts and it's taken me about one hour to type this with one hand. Since this is my journal of the trip, I'm in charge and can do what I want. I have controll issues...


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