Friday, August 04, 2006

So, picking up where I left off.....
we finnished the house Thursday. I started out mixing stucco until I went to do drywall! That was my favorite part of the whole building project! Seriously. I LOVED doing drywall! Unfortunatly, I was not very good at it, but I did my best and it was SO MUCH fun! And I used power toolds and didn't hurt anyone!!! YAY!!!

So Thursday we finnished the house with the assistance of some other CpC interns and that night (I think) we dedicated the casa! I was so proud of all of our hard work. Everyone worked hard!

I was extremily honored to have the privlaged to nail up the plaque at the dedication. Unfortunately, I'm a retard and nailed it in crooked! Now everytime someone comes to the house they're going to wonder who the idiot is who nailed it up. Oh well, I'm over it.... until I see it again.

We had an amazing group and the family was awesome!


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