Monday, May 02, 2005

In God's hands

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5:16

I took a well-needed nap today. It was AWESOME!!!

I was thinking the other day, why do I try so hard sometimes to be my own God? I mean, I try to solve my own problems and think I can do it my way. That's what it comes down to, I guess, my way- my own way. Not God's way. And if there's one way (which there is) then God's way is the way to go.

So, a New Jersey update... We still don't know anything. My dad's boss doesn't even know. The rumors are hot and heavy, though, like in the newspapers and stuff. I realize that God wouldn't move me across the country if it would be bad for me... At least I don't think. If it is what is best, then I guess I can't fight it. We'll just see how I feel if we actually do have to move. I've learned to place it all in God's hands because I can't be my own God and decide what is best. I'm only 15, and my parents and God are a heck of a lot wiser than I am. Right now, though, I don't think I could do it. I'm too insecure! (Oh well, pray for me on this issue.)
I took a spiritual gifts test and some of my lowest things were wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, and ones that invovled being smart. My lowest were hope and tonges. I scored highest in mercy, mission, giving, encouragement, and one more, but I don't remember what it was. I'm fishy about how accurate the test actually was. They made statements and you had to rate 1-4 on how much they aplied. The ststements were like, "I am a spiritual leader in other countries", and because I put 0 for that one I have no hope aparently. It was weird.

I'm way to verbose! Way too wordy! Stacey, I know what you ment on your blog when you said that you start out with one topic and end on another. I keep typing something and end up saying something completely different, so I delete the first thing. And the first thing is important. And then I end up with rambling nonsence like you see here. There I go again... way to verbose.

Ben's home! I am so happy to have him home. I won't even allow myself to think about next year. I don't want to. People mention it all the time, and I usually just say, "I don't like to think about that yet."


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