Saturday, May 07, 2005


I'm getting really exited for Mexico. At first, I didn't even think I was going to go, and when I finally decided to go, I wasn't really exited. And then I didn't think I coulf afford it. So then I decided that I couldn't go because of money issues. But things have been coming right into place. Last week, someone handed an envelope with money in it for my trip. I'm starting to wonder if maybe God really wants me on this trip.... I mean, he's opening all of the doors! Last years's experience was so great that I didn't think I could go back and have it not be as great and then be disappointed and not remember Mexico as this really great trip. Then I started thinking that I wouldn't be of any help to the team and that I would just be in the way. Maybe that's true, and maybe not, but I'm not going to let it stop me. I really hope both Sarah and me can go and not either/or. God is opening the doors for that too. I factored out the a whole month worth of pay check. And I've been getting extra hours at work, and at 5.60$ and hour, I could use the extra hours. And Rena nd I are going to findraise.... somehow.... I pray that we will be able to both go. I really miss the kids that I met! Everyone was so awesome, and it was reallt hard for me to leave them. I want to give them everything. I wanted to pack them into my suitcase and take them home with me. One family actually called on the telephono, but they called collect, and dad wouldn't let me exept the charges. I cried so hard! Then dad said that the next time they called we could exept the chrges and quickly get there phone number so we could call then on the calling card, but they haven't called since and that was a while ago.
God, thanks for opening the doors, and being so awesome about this!

More good news....
I've been really wanting to get into a Bible study, but I'm so dang busy that I can't really get into one. Last week, somebody from church said they were starting a Bible study for the summer. She said she wanted it on probably Thursdays which is the only day of the week that I don't have a single thing to do, exept when Sarah grabs be by the hair and makes me go to the Quest with her. Monday I always have doctors appointments, Tuesdays I work, Wednesdays I work, Thursday is absolutly nothing (besides the fudge sunday that my sister and I ghet every Thursday) and Friday I have doctor appointments and time with friends. I can't wait until the summer when I don't have school and I don't have to run around like a morron stressing myself out trying to get everything done. I think I overbook myself. It's hard for me to say no. I want to do everything.


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