Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Almost done!

I'm tired. I need a nap, and when I was about to sleep I got a phone call, and when I was almost asleeping again, I got another phone call (from this creepy weirdo), so I gave up. I'll go to bed early tonight or something.

I have one exam to take tomorrow, and I will be done with Freshman year!!! I will know longer be "freshman scum." Over-all I've done pretty well on my exams. I did 50 sit-ups in front of my entire class for extra credit on my Bible exam, so I got a 113% on that one, I got a 91% in English, and I miracle 98% in physics! My last exam was geometry, but I don't think I did well, maybe a 60% or close. I should find out tomorrow.

Oh my gosh! I am so blessed! I need to hug someone, but I don't know who. Someone put an envelope with 60$ in it for me for Mexico, but they didn't sign there name. That's why I don't know who to hug! I don't recognise the handwriting or anything. I hope God blesses them for that!
I got the strangest e-mail today. I don't really believe that's it's real, though. Yesterday I got contacted by Christian Guitar Recourses that said that someone was trying to contact me. The message attatched was from a lady names Mary who said she had something to share with me. I e-mailed her back and she e-mailed me today saying she wanted to give 4.5 million dollars for some kind of charity or church or school or mission. I have no idea how she got my e-mail or anything, but I'm like pretty sure it's a hoax. Firstly, who has 4.5 million dollors anywhere Africa, let alone Mali. It's so dumb that anyone would lie about that crap.


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