Saturday, June 04, 2005


Sarah is graduating in a few hours. The choir is singing, and I don't know how I will be able to get the words out. I will be crying too hard. We're singing "When I Survey the Wonderful Cross" accapella and then "Here I Am, Lord." I don't like that one too much, but oh well, it's not for me.
The awards cerimony was yesterday. I didn't think that I would get anything because I really haven't done anything worth getting an award for, so I was really shocked! I was pleasantly surprised to get the highest grade in Bible (which I guess is a good class to have a high grade in) and the prayer leader award, and I was really surprised to get a striving for exelence award in geometry (I hate math, but I tried really hard!) and an award for my poetry....

So when I started that it was like 3:00, but now it is 10:30 and I just got back from the graduation cerimony. I'm sitting here in my quaker chior dress, an I just don't know what to do. I spent 14 years of my life with two parents and two siblings who love me and lived with me. I was always really close to them. Then Benjamin left for college. It was really hard, but I got used to it. Now Sarah is leaving too. As hard as it was to have Ben leave because I just love him so much and because he was the first to go, I think it will be harder for me when Sarah leaves because we have the sister thing going. Everyone says how wonderful my life will be when there are no more siblings in the house, but I disagree strongly. I am pretty sure I will hate the next three years. "Highschool is the best time of your life. Love it because it only gets worse" that's what everyone says. If that's true then I have set a bad oman for my life. I am determined to not let that be the case. This year was terrible for me, yet at the same time it was great because it's my first year as a Christian. Maybe it was terrible because it's the first year I've been a Christian and someone wants me back.
The cerimony was really nice. The chior did great. It's so weird; I can't cry. I have so much inside to let out, but the tears won't come. I have it bottle up inside of me and it hurts, even physically it hurts. All 9 of the seniors are going to do something great for the world, especially my sister. I can't see myself like that in the future. I feel like a failure.


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