Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I never thought of relating job (the book of the Bible) to my own life. Today at group Josh and Mrs. Leslie were talking about it and what they said made sense for my own life. Job lost everything he had, and even thought I don't think (at least I hope not) that I will loose everything, I have lost things and am in danger of loosing things like the place I live. I can not even come close to what Job went through, but hey, relating it works, right?

Oh, and I found out that Brittany wants to go to Mexico! It's awesome because she's in like the same boat I was in last year. I am exited to see what God will do for her and in her life!! I don't always like her, but I am probably too exited to see how God can change her. If He can change me, He can change anyone. Thank you so much, God! Please not only work in her life, but also in the lives of me and everyone on the trip and the people that we serve there in Mexico. Thanks!

Yesterday someone asked me why I seemed so joyful, and my answer was simply because Jesus has made me joyful!


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