Monday, June 20, 2005

American Idiots

Americans as a whole are so dang selfish. A huge portion of the world is starving to death or eating things that we wouldn't feed our dogs just to survive. My household has 6 computers, 3 televisions, and more food than we know what to do with. Of course, we can't be inconvenienced by dial-up internet access, so we have to have to pay extra for 4 computers with extra high-speed internet. We have 5 cell phones, and most people I know pay more for weekly over-times minutes on their cellphones than a poor family would make in a whole month. It's CRAZY! Cedar Point pays a ton of money for repairs on the rides daily for our entertainment when the rest of the world can't even pay for food. I have spent like 20 some dollars going to the movies this past month! How many thousands of dollars do we pay professional athletes per game when that is more that some people will make in their entire lifetime and the pros make it in a matter of hours!! In order to have your comercial put on the air during the super bowl, you have to pay 2 million dollors or something!!!! I'ts insain! You know how many people you could feed with that money. Even churches spend 90 thousand dollar on aditions to their church buildings. Sure, it's nice having highspeed internet, and its nice having television, and it's great to be able to get ahold of my family wherever they are on their phones, but what about the rest of the world? What about them? We don't care because we are too busy looking for Waldo!!!!
I have been convicted forever about the way I spend my money. Sometimes I get mad at myself because I have so much and give so little to people who really need it. Rich people make me mad sometimes because they go out and buy their lives away, but they are not even happy! Do you really need that fur coat shipped over from some county that probably used slave labor anyway? I think they would be ok without it. I think my family would survive without highspeed internet. I think the whiney child would survive without the candy in the grocery line everytime he goes. I think I would survive if I didn't go see four movies in one month at the theater. I understand that parents would give their kids cell phones to know where they are, but how bout limitting the minutes so that they only use it when they have to.
If Americans would just give a small portion of what they have to the people that really need it, I think we would all be better-off. The love of money is the root of all evil, so why not eliminate the problem? What is so hatd about that? I'll tell you, it's because we are selfish and only think of ourselves and our happiness.


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

wow, quite a little rant there Kathryn! Keep it up!

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rock on! i concurr and thats why i love going to mexico so much. but thats all so true and so sad, lets make a difference! :)

11:00 PM  

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