Friday, June 10, 2005


I hate gossip! What good is it to trash talk people when they're not around? Does calling someone fat when they're not around make you any skinnier? Does telling a story about someone that they might not want anyone to know make you any better? Does saying someone's stupid make you any less stupid? NO!! It doesn't! I'll admit, I struggle with gossip often, but now that I'm working on it, when I hear it, it makes me sick! What good is it to say that you hate so-and-so? What good is it to bring others down when we are commanded to be uplifting?
And on that note, what good is it to trash talk people even when they are around? I can not in one million years imagine why someone would walk right up to someone and say "you're never going to get a boyfriend because you're so fat." I'm probably not going to do volleyball next year despite how much I absolutely loved it, because some people had to make it clear to me that I suck too much and am too fat to be on the team. The funny thing is that none of us had ever played before, so we all sucked! (and this is from a "Christian" school that my parents force me to go to because "everyone there is nice".... That is BULL!) I was talking to R about how I was the only one on the team who didn't play in districts, and she said, to my astonishment, A and R only got to play when they were freshman (they were the only other freshman) because they were good, and me well... Why would anyone find that ok? And it's not just me. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is the object of ridicule at one point in their lives. It's just not cool. Even when it's not about me, especially when not about me. Why should you say you hate someone? Does it make you less hated? NO!! I HATE it! It's all a bunch of bull sh**, and it pisses me off! If that's being a Christian, the I don't want to be one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Tree, first of all I want you to know I think you are right, people gossiping about others is pointless. Nothing changes except peoples feelings getting hurt. And as far as someone saying that your to fat to do this or that, that ryhmed haha, that is such bull. For starters your not fat plain and simple. Second, none of the girls on the team are any good, how many games did they win last season? When your team is horrid, you really don't have room to be descrimanating against anyone. You love the game, and that right their gives you right enough to play. And don't worry about what some jerk at school said, they say stuff about me all the time. You just need to learn to ignore them. And if they are saying something, either they are just trying to bo mean, or they are using that to distract from some other emotion(s). Hey, slow down with the you don't want to be a Christian stuff ok. Don't let the words of someone who obviously lost sight of God themselves get you down. There are to many people who value your faith for that, and if you weren't Christian, who else would go to all the things Josh and I cook up.

8:52 AM  

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