Saturday, September 24, 2005

Tengo dos lapiz y tres cuadernos

JesuChristo es el mismo ayer, hoy, y por los siglos.
Mi Dios es mui generoso! Yeah, there's some Spanish for ya. I love that class. We had our first test today. I think I did pretty well.
Life is interesate, isn't it? I think so. To me it is facinating. It's a mountain range of emotions. It's fun to love, laugh, sing. There are hard parts of life and then there are parts when I want a certain moment to last forever. And then there are the times like last week....overwhelmed with a series of emotions.

Have you ever noticed how we base God's love on what we want him to do for us? "God, if You love me, You'll..." "If you love me then why do I look like this?" I think that's interesting.
If anyone thinks of it will you please pray for me? There's something specific, but I'd rather not talk about it on a public blog for everone to read. haha
I'm in a really good mood, but I am feeling sick and I can't talk very well because I'm so clogged up. haha I'm deciding whether or not to call into work. I think I'm not going to because I don't want to breath on anyone's fries. That's life, I guess.
I think that when I'm sad I should just never talk because then I give people a completely wrong veiw of me. I'm a pretty happy person generally. There's just some stuff going on. At out spiritual thingy, I think God was telling me to maybe go back to youth group. I think I'm being selfish and retarted. haha I guess we'll see, eh.
Oh, another thing to pray for would be my dad's job. I can't say anything yet, but I will ass soon as I can.
Last night was Liz's surprise 16th birthdat party. It was fun. We all went in a limo bus and rode around Port Huron and then went back to Bri's house to party it up. awesome! I met a girl and we talked all night. She was so cool.
So, God is really good! Thanks for being so awesome, God!


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