Monday, September 05, 2005

Mexico, week two

I'm in a GREAT mood!!! Yesterday was awesome. I will post about it later. But I will say PRAISE GOD!!!!!

The summer is over now, at least for me. The day school starts is the day the summer ends for me. I was wrong about what I said earlier. I said this wasn't going to be a good summer. It was a great summer!!

Ok, so here I am, a couple months late. But I am fully prepared to tell of the second week of Mexico.
It was awesome. No, it was REALLY awesome! I made some awesome friends, both Mexican and United Statesian. I'm really exited to continue on and build those friendships.
We had started the second house Friday of the first week, so we finnished putting that up the second week. The family was so great! They brought us pop and ice everyday. haha! It was a luxery to us! And it probably wasn't easy for them to do that for us. When we dedicated the house one of the girls that I befriended, Bella, was weeping, which made me tear up too! I really miss that family!
Several people have asked me two questions, so here are the answers. The coolest thing, in my opinion, that we did was the retaining wall. We didn't have a cement mixer or anything, so we mixed mortar in wheelbarrows. I actually felt good about myself after doing that because
my muscles felt big. haha
The second is the scariest moment. There were actually a few of those. One was when I was climbing up the hill and had a panick attack because I couldn't breath. One was when I was going down the mountain in ElPaso because I am terriffied of hights! But Alan took my arm and helped me down. The other scariest moment when we were in Mexico. I didn't notice that the group had gone down the hill because there were still people on the hill, so I thought I could catch up with the group that had gone down, so I started down. I kinda thought that the other people were following me down, but they weren't, so I thought it would be best to just go back to the church than go wait by the hill. I was scared out-of-my-mind to be walking alone! I was like on the look out all around me. It was really scary.
One thing that I had been waiting for since last year's trip was seeing the kids from last year. I felt really special when they remembered me! They can't really pronounce Kathryn very well, so they called me Katerine. I miss them like CRAZY!!!


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

that day scared me a bit too. we got back and five bodies were missing! So finding you first coming down the hill was a comfort!
sweet entry!


8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, that week was definitely awesome cause hello, i was there. haha just joking. but it was a good week and im glad we all enjoyed it. another freaking moment was having blood all over in el rano, ok. but heck, i made my mark. haha


7:35 PM  

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