Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Family Weekend rocks my socks!

Yeah, GVSU family weekend was fun! On Friday I hung out with Sarah and Sean, and then Benjamin and I went to Kliner late night. Saturday Sarah and I got up real early to take pictures of Sean getting his boat ready for him rowing meet. We saw Hamlet which was really long. My butt was numb, and I'm sure you really needed to know that. We went to the Lakers game vrs. Wayne State and won (of course). Got to hang out with Benjamin and watch Will Farrel and the very end of Ladder 49 with Sarah and Sean and cried! People kept asking me if I was a student. It was funny.
So...Work. McDonald's. It's fun sometimes, but it's pretty hard not to get sucked into a not-so-good lifestyle while I'm there. A lot of people come in and talks about there partying and stuff and there alcohol or about there experiences with boyfriends and what-not. It's so hard not to get caught up in that. Especially with swearing and taking God's name in vain. I don't personally think swearing is sinful (I'm not sure though), but I do think taking God's name in vain is sinful because it says so plain as day in the Bible. It's hard not to gossip too! Lots of people talk to me about how they don't like someone or another, and it's SO hard not to join in. Usually I just say "yeah" or whatever. I just pray that God will be in me when I go to work so that I can not only keep myself innocent but be a good example also. A lot of the people at work don't have any Christian influences. I don't want to put myself up or anything because I am no better than anyone at work.

God, help me keep myself clean minded and Christian-like please!


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