Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm 15, but I feel like I'm 30 sometimes. I work too much and can't say no!
I'm a teenager and I know I'm not to young to get out in the world and make a difference, but I feel like I've wasted the 15 years that I've had.
I'm still young, but I don't think anyone has ever loved me out of their own choice.
I'm 15 and I'm so disappointed that I wasted 14 years of my life not knowing Jesus, and I'm so upset that I've waited the year I have been a Christian doing nothing.
I'm a wanabe athlete who is too fat to be good.
I'm still a child who's been through a lot of crap.
I'm a Christian and I have doubts about God.
I'm a wittness, but I don't know what to say to people who confront me about my faith when I am comanded to always to be prepared to give an answer.
I'm hurt because I don't have friends
I'm lonely because I turn people off
I'm dumb because I probably am loved but I just don't see it!!
I'm a sister and I compare myself to my older siblings when I know that I won't be able to accomplish what they have.
I'm a daughter who can't please her parents.
I'm a subordinate doing my best to obey
I'm a human who want to fit in.
I'm a person who is labled depressed
I'm a student who wants to learn but can't get the grades I want
I'm an girl and I compare myself to images in magazines
I've missed awesome opporunities to do anything because I'm too afraid.
I've waisted so much of my life away because I listen to people who tell me I'm not good enough. I listen to the people who say I will fail. I listen to the people who tell me I can't.
Well, I've got news, I'm not going to waist the rest of my life. I'm going to do what I can to help. I'm going to set my own standards, and not listen to the people who tell me I'm stupid. I'm not going to be the girl who cries over the magazines because I wish I could be like the beautiful women. I'm going to find myself. I'm going to be my own person. I'm going to let God run my life instead of letting people run me.
At least I'm going to try!
It won't be easy, that's for sure, but I'm going to try because this isn't working for me! I will fail in this, but at least I have a motive.
(And FYI it will be healthy this time.)


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