Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm hoooome

Wow! I got home last night from a trip that I will never forget! People keep asking me how my trip was, but it's so hard to explain. It was a ton of work and I got really tired and stressed, but at the same time there was an indescribable feeling of knowing that you are doing something for God and knowing that you will be changing lives forever! The trip is like visiting an eye-stunningly beautiful place.... you can't really understand it until you've been there and experienced it.
I was really nervous to go. I was exited, but at the same time I wasn't quite sure if I really wanted to go or not. I was scared that I would compare it too much to last year. I'm so very glad that I did go, though.

I made some really great relationships that I don't think will break very easily. I already went to go get peticures with Cassie and Jen asked for my phone number so Sarah and I can go to a party at her house. I've been talking to people on AIM and getting lots of e-mails. I love letters!
I really felt like I could be myself on this trip!! Well, there were two day where I broke down and was bawling, but that had more to do with what was going on at home, not as much on the trip. For the most part, I felt really good about myself. I wish I could go back and have that feeling about because feeling good about myself doesn't happen very often, and I've not felt good about myself since. I didn't even care that I'm fat! I took a break from that for a while! Praise God! There were a lot less people than last year, so there was much less drama (not that there was much last year... really only in ElPaso). And we were able to get along really well as a group and grow closer! It was sweet! I love friends.
I think I learned the most about myself and relationships with other people. I'm really changed!
I'll write about what we did tomorrow.


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