Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mexico Baby!

In about 24 hours, I will be embarking on an adventure of a lifetime! I have the opporuntity to go build a home for people who have never had sufficient shelter! It's hard work, but the whole thing is fun/awesome and so worth it just to see the joy on one child's face even for a brief second (although they're smiling the whole time!). It's an amazing experience! I can't wait to see how God will use the group from the Cornerstone Church of small insignifiacant Port Huron, Michigan (or Kimball township if we want to get technical) to work in such a powerful way. I am prepared for tears that's for sure! I'm scared of not being useful for the rest of the team or getting in the way or not fitting in, but I'm praying for those fears! Prayers would be much apreciated! I don't think I need to make a list. I think it's be pretty obvious.
It's crazy, I have a nonChristian manager at work and she told me she is praying hard that my family will not move. I've never even heard her mention God exept when it's proceeding an "oh my". I really hope that Sarah and I are having a good influence on work people!
Ben is 20 today!!!!!!!
God bless America (2 days late


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