Monday, August 08, 2005

I wish I was 15 again

This message is for me and for everyone it entails,
I can't sleep tonight. I've got way too much on my mind. This sucks because I have to get up early tomorrow and go to job one before I come home to change my clothes and go strait to job two which leaves no room for a nap. I was talking to my Julie via AIM and I pretty much blew up at her about God knows what. I'm so sorry Julie. I hate this! I'm too stressed. I am seriously thinking about just quiting McDonald's altogether because there just aren't enought hours in a day. Right now I am working 1 1/2 jobs while trying to take on the responsibilities of living at home (which is a lot under my mother's roof sometimes), being a friend, still trying to be a 15 year old kid, and remain close to God. I feel like I have no time for Him. I honestly feel like I've lost that passion for him. There is a group going to see Kelly tomorrow, and I feel like an aweful friend because I have to stay home try to be responsible. Can't I just be a kid? I'm tired, I'm stressed, I'm cranky, I'm sick, and I'm a pain in the butt to be around lately because of all that. I don't even feel healthy! I'm so sorry guys!!!
Oh, and to top it off, we got news on my dad's job. I can't say anything right now or my dad could lose his job (which is what he's doing anyway... but he's not getting fired, just laid off). Well, I have literally gone through most of my life without a friend.... literally, and now that I start to honestly feel exepted and maybe even loved by my peers, not only do I get "stabbed in the back", but the people that I honsetly felt loved by might be living several hours from me in not too long. Oh yeah, and the best part..... my 2 best friends, Benjamin and Sarah, will be leaving me in 2 weeks! That will be harder than anythign else in the world.
I'm so sorry for how I've acted lately:'( I have no exuses worthy enough.
Now that I read that it seems like that's not that bad, but really, I feel like I've reached my limitt and can't handle anymore for a little while.
Please forgive me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kathryn its okay, i promise. i know life can be rough with lots of jobs and everything, but enjoy them!! you are making money and jobs can be fun too. i used to hate mine, but now, i hate the days when i cant go to work, its weird how that works out! i understand the friend thing too, i feel like that, that i have no friends. but let me tell you kjw, you have friends. i know ben and sarah are your best ones and they are leaving, but i am a friend and so i elyse and a bunch of other people that live by you. i hope everything goes well with the job situation with your dad. i know how all that feels too. my dads had a tough time being a minister. i will pray for you though and heck, if you moved closer to me i wouldnt mind so much :) well, i best go, but i hope things get better....for all of us! ~Julie

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im there for you!


10:58 PM  

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