Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mixed up mind

My head is so full of thoughts right now that I don't even know how to get them out! I don't usually have very profound thoughts, but I have all of these deep questions in my head right now. I have a lot of important spiritual questions too. And thoughts about the future. And desires are filling my head too. I'm having trouble thinking clearly because of all the thoughts in my head. I'm so mixed up! Is this normal? My head feels so full! Maybe it's because I have a migrain.
I'm feeling sick right now so I'm going to bed. I will try to explain myself later I guess. Maybe not. We'll see....
I really miss the Mexico team!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes well, the mexico team, at leas the sterling heights portion ofit misses you. yes these things are normal. i feel like that all the time and when im around people like dave who are always thinking about spiritual stuff and seem to come up with these profoud things i feel dumb cause i think but never really get things like that! well, im off to fill out that thing from forever ago!
~Hulie Coon

2:28 PM  

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