Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I hate misscomunication.....
Ok, I am a person that will not tell a soul if someone tells me a secret unless the secret is harming them (like that are suicidal or something). Well I thought that a friend (we'll call him Jim) had a crush on my other friend (we'll call her Suzy.) Actually, everyone in the world thought Jim liked Suzy. I simply stated to Suzy that I thought Jim liked her. A little while later, Jim told me that he likes Suzy. Suzy continued to ask if Jim liked her and I continued to say "I think he does." Never said, "oh yeah, he told me that he likes you" or anything. So Suzzy mention to Jim that a while ago some people had hinted to her that Jim liked her. Well apparently I was that only one who Jim told that actually knows Suzy. So the only logical conclusion for Jim would be that I am the one who told Suzy after he told me he liked her. So he is mad at me and won't talk to me and won't trust me and I am really sad because I HATE it when people are mad at me! I don't know what to do! I called and left a message and appologized for what I didn't do, but he wouldn't pick up......

So I quit the volleyball team. It made me really sad to do it, but I couldn't committ to it 5 days a week. It was too much. I now help the team out and will go to all the games and not actually play. I don't have to go to all the practices, so it works out ok. I miss being on the team. I had the best time last year. I felt like I was a part of something. The coaches are calling me the team Manager. It actually makes me sound more important than I really am to the team. Whatever..

I love life so much, but I can't handle it when people are mad at me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate people being mad at me to and let me say that jim is mistaken and suzy is for sure on that, i asked her! you never told suzy anything straight from jims mouth, just your personal thoughts. jims losing trust in you is crazy and not necessary. i love you! -Julie

10:59 PM  

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