Friday, December 09, 2005

Sometimes it's hard to think of a title for these things

So.... not sure when the last time I posted was... What has happened? Let's see...
Today I didn't go to school because we had a snow day, so I slept until 10:00 and then took a nap. So I am all rested up on some MUCH needed sleep! Feels good!
Tomorrow I have a volleyball tourney at PHHS. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I was playing! Why did I quit again? Oh, yeah, because I suck, I can't commit, I look NASTEY in the jersey, I would loose half my pay check at McD's, and because I am a looser and a quiter. Oh well, that's me I guess. At least I'm not someone else! I did however mastered the art of holding 4 balls (volleyball, sick-o) in my hands and catching a 5th one with my chin! How cool is that! Pretty flippin sweet! Who's exited?
Benjamin and Sarah came home for Thanksgiving which was flipping sweet! They are coming home on the 16th and I might get to drive part way to GR until the traffic gets bad and my pop takes over. Fun stuff. I hope I still get to see Josh speak in chaple. He's speaking that day.
I'm a little bummbered because I was going to play in chapel today, but it's ok because it's SO worth it to not go to school (especially since I didn't do all my homework).
On Sunday I shared some stuff with some people at a place and now I wish I hadn't have done that. Oh well, I did, and the stuff I shared is all in the past.
Tomorrow I am going to a parade in Yale to watch Jill's marching band and then we are going bowling at the convicted stalion's watering hole. Fun fun!
I got Banjamin's name for Christmas. He asked for a hoodie and I got him a track jocket instead. I think it will look good on him. everyone I talked to that knows him thinks it will look good on me too. I also got him a third day Cd. I think I'm going to get him something else, but I'm not sure what because Ben is so hard to shop for because he has everything he needs and doesn't want anything. I wish I was like that! Sarah has my name. The only thing I could think of to ask for was a body length pillow. I don't really need anything. I want lots though.
It's real interesting to watch tv, listen to the radio, read signs, watch movies, and view any other type of media at this time of year. Everything says "that's what Christmas is all about" but nothing say anything about Jesus being born or anything. It's all about shopping, football, gift, ect. My friend thinks that Jesus died on Easter.... interesting. And now things can't even be called Christmas things in some places. They're now "holiday" things. Like holiday trees. And the word to silent night were changed to like snowy night or some crap like that.
We got progress reports back this week and my highest grade is in spanish! 97% baby! Maybe because that's the only class I actually want to be in!
Estoy feliz porque no tengo que trabajar manana! I am going bowling instead.
Sometime I feel real lonely because I'm the only one who's eve home. My dad's alway in a different state and when he's home him and my mom are doing stuff. So I'm lonely because I'm usually alone because I can't drive myself anywhere.
Well since I have to be at PH at 7:00 tomorrow, I'd better go to bed.
This is WAY to loooong! Oh well, it happens!
Tienes un feliz dia!!!
~Kathryn Joy~


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

Thanks for the update on your life! Even though we see each other twice a week we don't always get the time to share so that helped!


2:30 AM  

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