Saturday, January 28, 2006

The End of the Spear

Wow! I went to see the End of the Spear last night. I have honestly never cried so much in a movie. I knew what was going to happen, but the whole movie still surprised me. I was so touched. Those 5 men knew the risks. They knew that the Wowodani (however the crap it's spelled) would spear anyone at the drop of a hat, but they still went into the part of the world that had never beed reached. "go, ye, into all of the world and preach the gosple to the masses." Go into all of the world. Not just the safe part. All. They did that. And they were killed for it. But through that, they changed the lives of so many people. I left the movie thinking more than I ever thought in a long time, at least about anything important. I can't believe the courage of their wives to go back to the place their husbands were brutally murdered and still try to reach those people. I don't know if I could love the people who killed my family. I was amazed that even the children could forgive the men people who killed their daddy's. I don't think I am that strong. I am such a wimp. I fear death and I fear being brutally murdered. I don't know if I could stand up to that pursecution. But I know I don't want God to deny me!
If you haven't seen it, go see this movie! Seriously!


Blogger C.M. Coon said...

Connie and I tried to go and see it but we had the time wrong and couldn't wait for it maybe next weekend..

thanks for the review!


12:33 AM  

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