Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ok, so, here they are! Pictures from Mexico, February 2006!
This one here is of the fog that covered the city. We saw it when we climbed the mountain in the morning to see the sunset.
the sunset from "my" mountain (and greg's head... or as some might say a silloette of "Jesus") Me with the sand sifter that Craig and I built! Yay!!!
My "family" for the trip, as corny as that sounds!
The sunrise!!! Thank God for the beauty of his creation!

Cute little girls from Monti Santo! They loved getting their pictures taken!
Sandra and Mida and their sister from the 2nd house we built the first year.
Alegangra, my favorite person ever!!!
Veiw from M.S. They have, in my oppinion, the best veiw of the city and the mountains together.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mexico Installment #3

I can't seem to get out of my mind the things that I've seen and people I met and things I tasted.
On a spritual level, I have these strong convictions. I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't really understand my convictions. Well, I should say that I'm still trying to sort them out. I have a stronger growing passion for the Mexican people, but also for the people here too. Sometimes I feel like I've done my good deed for the year, but I don't see why I can't help people here in PH. What's my problem? Golly! I have now been home for 5 days and am still trying to make sense of things. I think the main thing is like realizing how selfish I am. Well, when I can make more sense of what's going on in my head I will fill you all in.
I'm kind of nervous about one thing. I had an awesome time with everyone, but I'm afraid nothing will be the same again. Is Emily going to go back to being just a youth intern that works with me, or remain a good friend? Is Greg even going to say hi at church? Are Krystle and I really going to make an effort to hang out? Am I going to continue talking to Bob? I hate the reality of knowing that things between the 10 of us will go back to where it started eventually. It kinda sucks.

I did get kind of frustrated with the language thing. I've only taken one semester of spanish, so it's not like I know very much. I felt like I disappointed everyone by not knowing everything that everyone said or not being able to tell everyone everythng anyone wanted me to say. I do think I did pretty well for the cercumstances, though.
So, in conclusion..... the trip was amazing! God taught me a lot (even though I don't quite understand what yet), I renewed friendships, met up with some old friends, worked hard for Jesus, and had a lot of fun. Thank you Jesus for everything! You are amazing!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Today's my birthday!I'm 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I get my liscense on Friday!!!!!!!!! (if I pass)I got my 16 candles!!!!!! (something that was really important to me)I have awesome friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!)I cooked something and it didn't burn!!!!!!!!!And best of all.... I have Jesus as my Lord and Savior!!!!!!Thanks to everyone who made today special!I love you all so much!
Ok, I actually wrote that on Tueday but forgot to save publish it, so tha's old news, but my sweet 16 was great! Thanks everyone!!
So today is the big day! I'm way more exited about this then I was for my birthday! I'm taking my road test at noon, so if you want to lift up a little prayer for me at that time, I'm sure everyone on on the road would appreciate it! I REALLY hope an pray that I pass because I've been waiting for this since I started drivers ed in November of 2004.
We are leaving today for our trip. I really don't want to go. I am missing a LOT of things I really want to do. There are 3 beds, guess who doesn't get one. My 8 year old cousin does. ha! It really doesn't bother me, though. I'ts just going to be so cold and snowy. I wouldn't mind the snow exept I have holes in both of my shoes and can't afford new ones.
Wow, that's too much complaining. i need to say somethng good..... It should be very relaxing...
I hope I get cell phone service or I might die.

Monday, February 06, 2006

So tomorrow is my 16th birthday. I should be exited, right? Don't get me wrong because I am totally exited about being on year older, it's just that I'm not exited about my birthday. It will be totally lonely. I already opened my presents (totally awesome! I will get to that later) so I won't have anything to open, I'm not having a party, my sibling are 3 hours away, and we have an away volleyball game. It doesn't even feel like it's my birthday anymore. I didn't have a party when I was 14 and 15 so that I could have a big party when I turned 16, but now that it's here I am not having a party. I really want one, but I don't think anyone would come. Besides, it would have to be at the end of March, and I can't have a birthday party a month and a half after my birthday.
So I opened my present from my parents early because the rest of my family doesn't care if I open anything on my birthday. I got a ring from Larence Jewlers. It's a purity ring, exactly what I asked for! It's a gold colored band (but I don't know exactly what kind of metal) and has a rare blue (supposedly rare anyway) tanzinite stone it the middle. I have to get it fitted to fit the right finger. Right now it fits my pinky.
Anyway, I sound like I'm a selfish whiney brat, but really, I'm not complaining. I just wish my family could be together on my birthday. It's just this whole "sweet 16" thing. It's supposed to be special and it's just going to be a normal day.But hey, normal days are great. And I'm in a very good mood!
I'm going to be lonely tomorrow, so if you feel like calling, call my cell because I'll be gone. 434.9193