Monday, February 27, 2006

Mexico Installment #3

I can't seem to get out of my mind the things that I've seen and people I met and things I tasted.
On a spritual level, I have these strong convictions. I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't really understand my convictions. Well, I should say that I'm still trying to sort them out. I have a stronger growing passion for the Mexican people, but also for the people here too. Sometimes I feel like I've done my good deed for the year, but I don't see why I can't help people here in PH. What's my problem? Golly! I have now been home for 5 days and am still trying to make sense of things. I think the main thing is like realizing how selfish I am. Well, when I can make more sense of what's going on in my head I will fill you all in.
I'm kind of nervous about one thing. I had an awesome time with everyone, but I'm afraid nothing will be the same again. Is Emily going to go back to being just a youth intern that works with me, or remain a good friend? Is Greg even going to say hi at church? Are Krystle and I really going to make an effort to hang out? Am I going to continue talking to Bob? I hate the reality of knowing that things between the 10 of us will go back to where it started eventually. It kinda sucks.

I did get kind of frustrated with the language thing. I've only taken one semester of spanish, so it's not like I know very much. I felt like I disappointed everyone by not knowing everything that everyone said or not being able to tell everyone everythng anyone wanted me to say. I do think I did pretty well for the cercumstances, though.
So, in conclusion..... the trip was amazing! God taught me a lot (even though I don't quite understand what yet), I renewed friendships, met up with some old friends, worked hard for Jesus, and had a lot of fun. Thank you Jesus for everything! You are amazing!!!


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