Monday, February 06, 2006

So tomorrow is my 16th birthday. I should be exited, right? Don't get me wrong because I am totally exited about being on year older, it's just that I'm not exited about my birthday. It will be totally lonely. I already opened my presents (totally awesome! I will get to that later) so I won't have anything to open, I'm not having a party, my sibling are 3 hours away, and we have an away volleyball game. It doesn't even feel like it's my birthday anymore. I didn't have a party when I was 14 and 15 so that I could have a big party when I turned 16, but now that it's here I am not having a party. I really want one, but I don't think anyone would come. Besides, it would have to be at the end of March, and I can't have a birthday party a month and a half after my birthday.
So I opened my present from my parents early because the rest of my family doesn't care if I open anything on my birthday. I got a ring from Larence Jewlers. It's a purity ring, exactly what I asked for! It's a gold colored band (but I don't know exactly what kind of metal) and has a rare blue (supposedly rare anyway) tanzinite stone it the middle. I have to get it fitted to fit the right finger. Right now it fits my pinky.
Anyway, I sound like I'm a selfish whiney brat, but really, I'm not complaining. I just wish my family could be together on my birthday. It's just this whole "sweet 16" thing. It's supposed to be special and it's just going to be a normal day.But hey, normal days are great. And I'm in a very good mood!
I'm going to be lonely tomorrow, so if you feel like calling, call my cell because I'll be gone. 434.9193


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