Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Re-united and it feels so good!

Our reunion after three months! I love my sibs!

Taking a break from talking about Mexico......

Sunday I got to go to the airport and pick up my brother. After almost 3 months of not seeing him, I got to hug him and talk to him. I was very exiting. Although, he is not the same guy that used to live with me. He is now California boy! And he has a BEARD!!! I like it.
Well, I got to see Benjamin on Sunday, but also my sister! It's only been a few weeks, but I miss her. I got to see where they live now and everything. I really hope that I'll be able to go visit them more than last year (which was once!) Anyone want to go on a road trip to G.R.?

us at the airport!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sometime in the week I got to go see my favorite family! They were so exited to see me, and I love when people act like they're happy to see me!
I absolautely love these kids! They are a HUGE reason I go to Mexico every year. I love them so much!
I met this family when I went the first year. I fell in love imediately with Dulce and Alejandra.

They had a little brother who kept running around naked! He was so cute! (Sorry that his little penis is in the next picture.... I thought it was covered up!)

Alejandra is a little girl that makes me heart flip. I want to take her home so bad and would do anything if I could to take her home! She is beautiful!

Abraham is so cute too. I didn't thibk he'd remember me, but he did!

I think later I will write about the rest of the trip and maybe I will post more pictures. Not that there's anyone reading this. I don't care this is all for me anyway.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Heartbreak in Anapra



One of the hardest things I've ever had to wittiness was the terrible broken hearts of one family in Anapra.The repentant cries of a grandmother who blames herself for tragedy. The whispers of an improvrished seven year old trying to hide the sadness in her voice. One group of clueless Americans watching in shock and taking in the grief of the family. 17 people trying to fathom why agony was bestowed upon such an amazing family. I still don't have answers. I want answers.

I am depressed even today because this family who once lived in a shack and was blessed with a home now is homeless cramming even more people into the very small home of a relative. And I am powerless. I can do nothing to change and nothing to help. And I hate not being in control.

Please pray for this family. Pray for hope. Pray for the people of Anapra and also around the world who find themselves in similar situations.

Friday, August 04, 2006

So, picking up where I left off.....
we finnished the house Thursday. I started out mixing stucco until I went to do drywall! That was my favorite part of the whole building project! Seriously. I LOVED doing drywall! Unfortunatly, I was not very good at it, but I did my best and it was SO MUCH fun! And I used power toolds and didn't hurt anyone!!! YAY!!!

So Thursday we finnished the house with the assistance of some other CpC interns and that night (I think) we dedicated the casa! I was so proud of all of our hard work. Everyone worked hard!

I was extremily honored to have the privlaged to nail up the plaque at the dedication. Unfortunately, I'm a retard and nailed it in crooked! Now everytime someone comes to the house they're going to wonder who the idiot is who nailed it up. Oh well, I'm over it.... until I see it again.

We had an amazing group and the family was awesome!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

mexico stuff

Ok, so it's time to talk about Mexico!
Here's my warning, though. I didn't journal about our trip at all, so this is it. I'm going to get very detailed, so put up with it. Also, some of the days might not be accurate. I guess that's what I get for not journaling during the trip.

It was amazing! I think we got accomplished everything that we wanted to, but I could be wrong.
The first week we built a house with 11 people. The nine of us that came with our church and our two CpC interns. I'm not going to lie, I was worried we couldn't do it, but, by George, we did it! And we did it well too! The building began Monday and consisted of leveling the ground, building the frame, cutting chicken wire, cutting wood, building u-joints and corners, I think working on the walls, and I'm sure a ton more that I just don't know about. It was hot. It was frustrating. It was hard work. To be perfectly honest, I spent Monday thinking that I just couldn't do it and wanted to go home. But I got through it. Every nail God helped me through. And looking back, it wasn't so bad. I think the heat brings the worst of of people. Our interns Coty and Brandon were really encouraging to me even when I screwed up, so that was helpful.

Tuesday consisted of building walls and roof sections. Coty had the brillient idea to make a compotition to make us work fast. Of course we didn't get the ice cream we were promised and I will always hhold that against CpC. I might not even go next year because I'm so upset. Not really! I'm just kidding! anyway, Tuesday we g0t the black celotex up, some electricity, the walls, the roof (I think), and a row of chicken wire (my favorite).
I think I spent my entire Wednesday doing chicken wire. I soloed on a lot of it. My fingers were RAW by the time I finished, but I guess I was pretty good at it (one of the VERY limitted things I was good at). It wasn't so bad. The biggest problem with this was the limitted space in some parts (but not as bad as the week two house).
Well, I have not finnished week one yet, but my writ hurts and it's taken me about one hour to type this with one hand. Since this is my journal of the trip, I'm in charge and can do what I want. I have controll issues...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm bAAAAck!

Well, I accomplished my goal for the year. That was to not get sick while in or on my way to or from Mexico. This is my first out of 4 trips where I have not gotten sick. I am exited!
However, that didnt put me out of the loop. I sit here today and type this one-handedly because of the big fat cast that has surrounded my arm. Why? Because I broke my wrist. I'm fairly certain that this is God's way of telling me to stop being so stubborn and ask for help sometimes. This is a big deal for me because I don't like admitting my weakness and asking for help all of the time. With this cast on my arm I have to have help with everything from making food to showering to putting on my bra because I can't grip anything with my right hand. Even things such as wiping my butt and typing pose quite a challenge. Yesterday when we thought is was just sprained I would take the brace off when I needed to do things (mostly things that I shouldn't have been doing because they hurt the the dickons!) or just when I got sick of it. This is attached to me and there's no going back. I'm learning my lesson and I hope I never have to learn it again! But this trip was a great way of showing me things about myself that I never saw before. I will write more about all of that later. I'm getting sick of this one-handed typing thing.
Just know this... It was AWESOME!