Saturday, September 24, 2005

Tengo dos lapiz y tres cuadernos

JesuChristo es el mismo ayer, hoy, y por los siglos.
Mi Dios es mui generoso! Yeah, there's some Spanish for ya. I love that class. We had our first test today. I think I did pretty well.
Life is interesate, isn't it? I think so. To me it is facinating. It's a mountain range of emotions. It's fun to love, laugh, sing. There are hard parts of life and then there are parts when I want a certain moment to last forever. And then there are the times like last week....overwhelmed with a series of emotions.

Have you ever noticed how we base God's love on what we want him to do for us? "God, if You love me, You'll..." "If you love me then why do I look like this?" I think that's interesting.
If anyone thinks of it will you please pray for me? There's something specific, but I'd rather not talk about it on a public blog for everone to read. haha
I'm in a really good mood, but I am feeling sick and I can't talk very well because I'm so clogged up. haha I'm deciding whether or not to call into work. I think I'm not going to because I don't want to breath on anyone's fries. That's life, I guess.
I think that when I'm sad I should just never talk because then I give people a completely wrong veiw of me. I'm a pretty happy person generally. There's just some stuff going on. At out spiritual thingy, I think God was telling me to maybe go back to youth group. I think I'm being selfish and retarted. haha I guess we'll see, eh.
Oh, another thing to pray for would be my dad's job. I can't say anything yet, but I will ass soon as I can.
Last night was Liz's surprise 16th birthdat party. It was fun. We all went in a limo bus and rode around Port Huron and then went back to Bri's house to party it up. awesome! I met a girl and we talked all night. She was so cool.
So, God is really good! Thanks for being so awesome, God!

Monday, September 19, 2005


My dad left again this morning. I keep being haunted with "the dream." I just need prayer for my whole family. Stuff I can't say yet.....

(and yes, Rene and her sister Ashley were at the funeral)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Another missed opportunity

So I have this friend from work, Rene, who's friend, Erin, killed herself. Rene and Erin went to school together and have been friends for a long long time. I guess Erin's sister found her hanging and called the hospital or something, but Erin ended up dying anyway. Rene came to work the other day sobbing, and I honestly didn't know what to say to her! So I just held her.She came to work sad today too because I think the funeral was yesterday or Friday or something. I had the perfect time to tell her about God's love for her, but I froze! I couldn't remember what to say at all! The only thing I could say was that when I was in a similar situation I prayed a lot. Way to go, Kathryn. I feel like I passed up a great oportunity! Why is this so hard for me? I thought that God was supposed to give us the words....... maybe not...... I'm not sure....
Lord, Help me with this!

Fun Stuff/ Sad stuff

Wow! Today has been so full of emotions! Last night I was kinda sad-ish so I decided to go to the first service because I felt like I needed to be at church, so my parents decided to come along too. After the service I came out and Julie and Elyse were standing there! I almost started crying! Julie told me that she couldn't come to my church today, so I completely didn't know they were coming! I was completely horswaggled! Britt and Rosey came too because Scoops was gonna be there. It was totally awesome to see him too. So my dad gets to church to pick me up, and he lets me drive. I only get out of the parking lot and I start bawling. I'm not sure why, but I think it was because of my dad and someother things that I don't want to tell anyone. So I told my dad it was because I missed Julie and Elyse, and I turned around at Walker Road because I wanted to talk to someone. I walked back into church and I started crying my eyes out. I felt SO stupid. Then I realized that crying was stupid which made me cry more. So I'm sorry if you are reading this and I was rude to you about it. Then we all went to Craig's house (which I feel bad about, but whatever) and hung out with Scoops and everyone.
I think I'm gonna be really emotional til my dad gets back because I had a dream similar to "the dream" again last night, but it wasn't "the dream". My dad goes on trips all the time, so I'm used to it, but I keep having this dream haunting me. Especially since I didn't even know he was going the first two times. It's so weird! Church was emotional for me too. I wish I wasn't so emotional! It kinda sucks!
So besides that one moment of utter sadness, today was great! It was awesome to see Mexico people again! I really wish that I could go to Mexico in February, but I think that I am too young. Maybe one day.....
So on a good and happy note.... I still love life and now I am headed to work.
Wait.... I said I wanted to end on a good note, so....
God rocks, Life, rocks, my family rocks, and my friends rock my socks off!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Pictures from Louisianna

My dad passing out free ice
One of the many houses destroyed by the storm This house used to be someone's dream Lake Pontchatrain after the storm

The flowers survived!

Airline Highway

The National Guard guarding the gas line (you can't see it ll, but the line was 2 hours long to get gas)

You can't read the sign on the steps, but it made me laugh. The sign on the porch reads, “This building is not safe and its use or occupancy has been prohibited by the Building Inspector”"

Friday, September 16, 2005


wow! Today was an interesting day! I can't even begin to describe the emotion that went into it. Last night I had "the dream," the one where I dream that my father gets murdered down south. The first time that I had that dream, I woke up crying and sweating, and that morning I found out that my dad was going to Louisianna and I was scared to death the whole time he was gone because of the dream. Well I had it last night again and then I found out this afternoon that my father is going back on Monday only this time he is actually going into New Orleans by himself. I mean, other people wil be in Louisianna at the store they're living in ans stuff, but my dad will be by himself doing his job while other people are doing theres, so I am even more scared. Oh, and no armed military guard this time either.
So anyway, at school I am totally on the edge all day because I am scared to death after having the dream, and I got someone mad at me and I feel awefull about that! Then I went to the PH/PHN game today. It was really awkward for me. The whole night was. When we picked Josh up Mike and him started talking about hott girls (which is never a good thing to listen to when your aren't one). So I started feeling really down on myself way early today and their talking about hott girls didn't help my selfesteem for today. (I swear it's like myrth, it goes up and down). And then someone brought up a touchy subject for me. and then (I feel like an idiot even saying this) I start crying int the middle of the game. Not sobbing or anything, just crying. And I was really rude to Mike and Josh. I feel aweful. I wish I wasn't so emotional.
Oh yeah, so I went to prayer group and Tuesday and I shared a request that I wasn't sure I would surive the year, and someone told my mom that I was going back to my old ways and that I was worrying everyone. I am not going back down the devil-worshioping path, so nobody has to worry. I don't even know if I'm going to go back to prayer group because I don't want to worry my mom. I don't know if I trust them anyway.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I hate it when people assume I am some wonderful musician because my family is! I am the odd duck! I am not musical! I am not saying this to get people to say that I am. I have been told by my misical family that I am not! I just got a call from one of those assumers asking me again to play for youth group! I said yes because I was sick of saying no 8 thousand times! I figure that it would be quicker to just have him figure out for himself that I can't play. haha GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! I've gotta go clean something!

I love life!

I don't think this store has much of a chance!

Well, today had been great! I am loving life! The only think I am not loving is school (more specifically my class) and having Benj and Sarah gone. But I am ok! Becasue God totally ROCKS!!!

~Kathryn JOY~ (funny how that works isn't it)

Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm in a good mood today (again)

Praise God for my dad's safe return! He spent his time doing clean-up and getting the stores back up and running. There were I think like 9 of them destroyed my the storm. He also passes out free and and food. There was one story that my dad told that there was this dying guy that was carrying a very heavy load down the street and he was literally dying. My dad drove him home and for really saved his life! My dad was not bragging, but I am:-) I don't think I could have done that!

This picture is of a house that was totally destroyed except for the steps to it. My dad said that it was at one time a really nice, rich house. The sign on it (from the place that tells which houses are allowed to be lived in or something like that) says that the house inhabitable, which made me laugh! I will try to post more pictures when I get my hands on them.
Friday we had a Spiritual emphasis retreat which was really sweet! The Potters were hilarious, and I could tell that they really have a passion for what they are doing. I think God taught me a lot. I think He may have indirectly through someone else told me that I should go to youth group again, but I'm not sure. I think I am learning about myself too. Most of that started in Mexico, but I continue to surprise myself, good and bad. I think I am more exited about God than before, but I still need some help with really, really getting it. I have so many questions, doubts, weird thoughts. I don't know what to do! It's odd. But I am really exited to learn what God has in mind for my future! That's what I have been thinking a lot about. I know I want to work with teenagers. I think I am supposed to work with teenagers, maybe on the mission field. I'm not sure. I also think I want to open my own diner. I wish I could just know my future! I wish I knew so I didn't have to wonder! haha

I've been in such a good mood lately! I love God! I love people! I love teenagers! I love life! I'm so exited about my future. I can't wait for God's plans for me to unfold!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mexico, week two

I'm in a GREAT mood!!! Yesterday was awesome. I will post about it later. But I will say PRAISE GOD!!!!!

The summer is over now, at least for me. The day school starts is the day the summer ends for me. I was wrong about what I said earlier. I said this wasn't going to be a good summer. It was a great summer!!

Ok, so here I am, a couple months late. But I am fully prepared to tell of the second week of Mexico.
It was awesome. No, it was REALLY awesome! I made some awesome friends, both Mexican and United Statesian. I'm really exited to continue on and build those friendships.
We had started the second house Friday of the first week, so we finnished putting that up the second week. The family was so great! They brought us pop and ice everyday. haha! It was a luxery to us! And it probably wasn't easy for them to do that for us. When we dedicated the house one of the girls that I befriended, Bella, was weeping, which made me tear up too! I really miss that family!
Several people have asked me two questions, so here are the answers. The coolest thing, in my opinion, that we did was the retaining wall. We didn't have a cement mixer or anything, so we mixed mortar in wheelbarrows. I actually felt good about myself after doing that because
my muscles felt big. haha
The second is the scariest moment. There were actually a few of those. One was when I was climbing up the hill and had a panick attack because I couldn't breath. One was when I was going down the mountain in ElPaso because I am terriffied of hights! But Alan took my arm and helped me down. The other scariest moment when we were in Mexico. I didn't notice that the group had gone down the hill because there were still people on the hill, so I thought I could catch up with the group that had gone down, so I started down. I kinda thought that the other people were following me down, but they weren't, so I thought it would be best to just go back to the church than go wait by the hill. I was scared out-of-my-mind to be walking alone! I was like on the look out all around me. It was really scary.
One thing that I had been waiting for since last year's trip was seeing the kids from last year. I felt really special when they remembered me! They can't really pronounce Kathryn very well, so they called me Katerine. I miss them like CRAZY!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

A prayer for my dad

My dad was sent to Louisianna today. I'm got really scared when I found out what he was actually doing there. He has to go down to there to camp inside of a store. Nobody knows how long he will be there, and I'm still not sure why he is there. I think he is like 20 miles north of New Orleans or something. I'm scared because there is all of that looting going on in stores and stuff, and there is no electricity in the city he is staying in. I guess they hired armed guards to guard them, so that makes me feel lots better. I'm scared because of all the shooting and crazy people down there.
This huricane thing is so sad! I really want to help, but I don't know what I can do. All my parents have had on the tv the past week has been storm coverage, and everytime I see it because it's so dang sad! People are starving, dehidrating, dying, and getting murdered! Murdered for Pete's sake! And why are there so many people still in New Orleans? Everyone was told that they needed to evacuate, but so many people decided not to or something, and now there are so many people down there dying and needing to be rescude! Why the heck didn't they leave?
God, please give there people the relief that they need!
If you read this, please, PLEASE pray for my father! I'm so scared for him!

My creative bubble of things to write about is gone, so I guess this is as good as it is going to get today.